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Hi, I'm Jordan

A web developer

from Springfield, MO

I make things for the Internet


Remindas is a web app for scheduling and sending reminders. It uses a MySQL database, and Clerk for auth. Reminders are sent via SMS using Twilio.

The app is deployed on Vercel and uses TailwindCSS and Shadcn/ui for UI components.

Source code is a linktree inspired single page website. It is written in Typescript. The page is statically rendered using Next.js and deployed with

Source code is a professional portfolio built for a client based on their design. It is written in Typescript and statically rendered using Next.js. The images are optimized for performance and delivered via Vercel's CDN.

Source code

Notes is a Google Keep inspired web app for making and reading notes. Users can create an account using Google oauth after which they can use a text editor to write rich-text notes with searchable tags which are saved into their account to retrieve later.

Next.jsTypescriptVercelReactPrismaGoogle OauthNextAuthTailwindCSSPostgreSQL
Source code

The Planets is an app which displays facts and drawings about each planet in the solar system.

The site's design was based on a practice project from, and is written in JavaScript using the Next.js framework.

Source code

Image Vault is a collaborative project built for organizations to store and share images.

The app is written in Typescript using Next.js. It uses MongoDB as a database, AWS S3 for image storage, NextAuth for authentication, and is deployed on Vercel.

Next.jsTypescriptVercelReactMongoDBPrismaAWS S3NextAuth
Source code

BKMKS is a browser extension built with React and JavaScript which allows users to save and organize bookmarks. It is currently in development and the source code is available on GitHub.

ReactJavascriptChrome Extension
Source code

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Copyright © Jordan Roberts 2024